The voyage once taken in fullest harness with burning flames of desire should be enough in retrospect
youth has outgrown itself for even Ulysses had felt the gnaws of desolation and alienation-- time changes the entire complexion of every experience and event- there's rest in respite to conquer is to surrender to unrest and discontent every quest must find a peaceful and self-accepting end--
early I started when my every breath was an inspiration the world it seemed then to belong to me in my exultation as a hymn of self- salvation I sang--too sure was my conviction-
vox clamantis in deserto....
I set sail, quite long ago I went, I saw, not even an inch I managed to conquer not a hair-pin wiser
and now as the years have stood apart and seen me in my tears my boat I have burnt every part of it I have blown by the unknown shore alone I witnessed the last dying ambers while from some strange nowhere came the cry of wild birds' lamenting moan.