Constructive or Destructive are the interference Depending on the time lapse between the ripples Meet they to communicate through vibration Vibration from one differs in frequency To that of another....
Feelings make ripples of energy Of varying wavelength and frequency And to hide it all we use the numbing technique Language comes along to help hide feelings
Why oh why would we use so much language When we can read each other through the vibrations We just have to prolong this journey of unknowing By pretending to know it all we fool ourselves
Taking moments to learn the language of silence I must surrender the desire to know it all In that silence the fog is lifted to make known What the frequency is telling me in the now It tells me that I am the frequency with which God makes music and with which God loves
May I observe the energy of the ripples Sitting in silence by the riverside May I throw in a stone or two To observe the ripples and think of The ripples that are countless around me Making music and making love with each other