cold heart cold veins cold limbs you can’t rouse me when i’ve flatlined. simply don’t care your pain doesn’t bother me though i’m the cause. scream all you want cry for my soul it doesn’t matter i’m quite content to remain cold this all-encompassing numb is far preferable to feeling, caring
There’s this bit of me Desperate to feel Aching to be aLiVE
What a dangerous combination Apathy and desperation I could do ANYTHING I’ll take risks Because why not?? Push myself as far as I’ll go Out of sheer curiosity Take that curve a bit too fast Say what you know they’ll hate Provoke them all Like toys for a game And of course, Medicate to enjoy the day Convince them you’re well Let them believe you’re happy Maybe even trick yourself...
but soon the day nears its end lights dim and isolation grows loud the highs wear off each night lower than the last i can’t wait to go numb.... TAKE IT AWAY