Out on the sea we've watched clouds gather, slate-gray and ominous overhead; The weather report said all would be well, but we're shivering now with fear and dread.
The sails are whipping in the gusty winds, tumultuous with rain like a hurricane; And waves so high above our heads, we struggle within to keep ourselves sane.
It's truly a nightmare for us 'amateurs', who eagerly climbed aboard this ship; With fools' arrogance and ***** pride, yet now relenting--regretting this trip !
But the storm surrounding us today, reminds us of Nature's pure audacity; For in our souls we fervently pray, that the storm will abate--setting us free.
That's the story of life in our world today, a raging storm which feels out of control; But with patience, time, and faithful thought, perhaps--we won't be left out in the cold.