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Jul 2019
I remember you in the mornings, when I drink my first cup of tea
I remember you when I call home and you are not there to say “hi, is that smee?”
I remember you when I’m driving with the radio on, and the DJ plays that annoying song
I remember you when we have a day out at the beach; chucking ball with each other, always just out of my reach
I remember you when I call at Mums expecting to see you there, sitting in your chair; ready for a natter, politics religion or anything else for that matter
I remember you when I pick the kids up in the car, how late at night you would pick me up no matter how far
I remember you on our anniversary and how you looked that day, pride in your eyes as you gave me away
I remember you when the England Cricket Team had their day; you would have been frustrated but elated with the way they played
I remember the wonderful Dad you were and how your arms around me showed you cared.
I remember you every day Dad and always wish you were here.

I always remember **
3rd anniversary on Friday
I miss him so much x
Jackie Mead
Written by
Jackie Mead  60/F/United Kingdom
(60/F/United Kingdom)   
   ---, Steve and Dennis Willis
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