I know other opportunities exist But the feeling of rejection sticks to me like a cyst
I remind myself that there's more out there That this isn't an attack on me, or signs they don't care
Don't itch a mosquito bite, you'll make it worse A scab will form, the pain makes you curse
"I'm not good enough" is my bite, and rejection is the itch that I can't control.
So I sit with these feelings After elevating my hopes Sad, depressive thoughts Immobilize me like ropes
"Be more resilient" "This shouldn't affect you this much"
These things ring some truth, but helpful they are not.
I live with intensity, my brain always on Thinking numerous things, more than humming a song
When excited I'm ecstatic, but when sad I'm more blue My biology I can't change, coping is all I can do.
So how does one weather crippling rejection?
Believe in yourself, there's still more to do Keep yourself busy until the storm passes through Don't beat yourself up for feeling unreasonably blue Boost yourself up in ways that suit you