Listen as I shout upon the darkness A darkness which seeps into my heart My heart ceases to hurt more than it should Just a mere feeling of relentless aftermath Running through my mind which ***** the weapon of choosing Which is fully loaded with empty thoughts biased momentum As my life slips continuously through the fingers of time Whilst my shadow leaves my side at the sight of temptation During the glimpses of the decrepit future that it bares for no one Envision the blanketed universe as it becomes trivial Questioning its surroundings, embracing the foretold tale Of the corpse which holds the key to my mind ****** destiny Only through the eyes of the corpse may you get into my mind Then you will see the nothingness I look through on countless days Endless nights never seeing the sight of dawn as it approaches Lurking like a wild cat, rummaging through gargles of judgment A wistful momentum of earth-shattering damnation A damnation which could only be thought up by the beast himself Suddenly realizing it was all a dream as reality slips on by Misfortunately conceptual moments unlike these could only be dreamt of Perpetually the forsaken child lives through it everyday An adolescent losing his way and never to find his way back home The tragedy of this story draws neigh as he takes his own life In front of millions to see, watch, linger about in sad driven tears The boy will soon be forgotten as sadness dissipates into oblivion