I stole something today, something small, clustered buzzing neon lights bright and explosive pleasure cries, the kind that sell for an hour but remain bitter and chalky when swallowed dry. I paid for it with
earl gray and soft sighs, melting sunrises the colors of quiet, maroon and hazel and sweet corners of dusk. She cracked herself open, like an egg or a popsicklestick bird cage, ended her reign of my kingdom and handed me the dripping, palpitating mass of dreams that once existed behind her shuttered curtains.
I pulled it to my sternum, steaming red and grained muscle hot in my shaking hand. She smiled, those earl grays that soothed stabbed those pillows that pressed smothered and those apples that blossomed rotted beneath soured flesh. My head bowed,
my chin pressed to my chest so that I might’ve gnawed through my backbone. I opened my mouth and bit into her heart, and chewed in time to the echoing of her clicking heels.