Remembering when you thought 30 pound was a lot Remembering when your mum would wipe your bot Remembering when the World was big and pretty Remembering when life was ace with nothing ever ******
Remembering when people were fun and playful Remembering when nothing was a handful Remembering when asking for a sleepover Remembering when I shared with my dog Rover
Remembering when I couldn't spell my surname Remembering when all I wanted was fame Remembering when I first passed my test Remembering when I thought my car was the best
Remembering when we first had our kids Remembering when we took them on their first trip Remembering when they both left High School Remembering when they often played the fool
Remembering when I fell over in the garden Remembering when this all first happened Remembering when the van first took me to hospital Remembering when the acceptance was futile
Remembering when I first forgot my wife's name Remembering when that put me to shame Remembering when the nurse then changed my sheets Remembering when I was hoping for that last final heartbeat
Adrenaline is wonderful. It covers pain. It covers dementia. It covers everything. Jerry Lewis