I daren't close my eyes For fear of losing this place The tranquility it has bestowed upon me
The lakes shift in their eternal sleep The boats nod to each other in their marching lines
There is darkness all around But still I can see The world resting around me
Fog hovers in the quiet air Weary of the silence in this place
There are buildings but no on is home For this is home for no one This is where the dreamers wander
I see no moon watching from the sky I see no stars humming their sweet airs
But I do no fear For I feel not a thing Beside the stillness this place can bring
Mists and clouds and rains and shadows And yet nothing touches my skin
My soul is a separate from my body But I am still here Observing and waiting
For what is unbeknownst to me But no sense of troubledness comes
I drift with the current that is not there Alone in the boat of dreams And then it is gone and only shadows are seen
I daren't close my eyes Or let this world slip away For it is my home above the clouds Where only peace remains But in the morning this world will be gone And I will be left alone With only people there.