It's one of those days in no good way I'm shaking from deep in my core I'm shaking been yelled at hissed at It's one of those days in no good way I'm weeping from deep in my core I'm weeping been spat on shat on it's one of those days too much to do too undone to do it got rained on nay hailed on beaten up by nature man and the universe It's one of those days told I write ****** verse many expletives used to curse Ok I give up roll in the hearse it's one of those days I get it I'm a ******* for human consumption not fit so pass me over on me spit it's one of those days. toss me aside I'm just anti matter a toying thing emotions scatter while you're there put the boot in too It's one of those days make me oil at your service go on, go ahead I deserve it for daring to breathe to even think it for opening up then believing it's one of those days.
J.C. honey-tiger 13/06/2019.
Ok so this is slightly edited but written more than a few months ago, on a particularly bad day.. just a contrast piece really, we are all so much more than just our lyrical lovely lines of love..right...? Write! **