If you, could see you, through my eyes, You would never doubt yourself. No, never. You would never have the audacity to say "I can't" because you, yes you, are amazing beyond anything I have ever known.
If you, could see you, through my eyes, You would never be the same. Not ever. You would be blinded by the beauty that radiates from within you, from outside of you. The very essence of beauty that makes up you.
If you, could see you, through my eyes, You would never be sad again. No, never. You would know why I love you. You would see the grace, in every little thing you do, say, and think. You would see the endless depth for which my love for you grows. The never ending abyss of swirling, crashing waves of love I have for you. You would finally understand the absolute perfection of you if you could see you through my eyes.