There is a disconnect And feeling wrecked, I shall become The drifting of a morning sun.
It is not enough being seen to be seen To be a bit part player In somebody else's dream Everyone needs to be the one That the spotlight lingers on.
Deal me's not what I'm about I dream alone and thus the disconnect comes home.
And sat here in this solitude With time to burn and fingers chewed I wonder who I really am. This disconnected man.
They have a name for this malaise Don't they always? But I really,really don't give a toss My loss is mine alone Another disconnect comes home.
Politicians,churches,banks receive no thanks from me Just greedy men and hypocrites Who'd slit your throat for one more groat One more soul to save,enslave. Or one more baby in the bath Drowning on the electoral path.
There is a disconnect..two trains wrecked And somewhere down the line A red light glares Stares at me, Should I be seeing something else in someone else's dream? Have I been seen being seen? In disconnect I want to scream out loud. Get me out of here Free me from this rock and roll of roundabout and turn around As I hit the ground As once more I fall The only sound I hear is the disconnect That laughs gently in my ear and whispers to me 'You never knew me'