Once in awhile you sense a mystery, from all that swirls within the night; It carries your heart to an open door, where you can discover a softer light.
This shine will greet your heavy heart, with shades of golden warmth; It covers you with twinkling stars, and elevates your ebbing worth.
This journey brings a certain peace, which quietly lives inside your soul; The sparkling heavens then illuminate, the truest path to your lifelong goal.
It seems the darkness of each night, inspires that yearning feeling; A loss of control so frightening, it sends our emotions reeling.
But if you walk beyond that sunny door, and bask in its wealth of honor; Your life will improve with every step, as dawn arrives in glorious wonder !
The eerie and soulful night can reveal a starlight's wonder, if you open up that golden door and see what's waiting yonder !