Night binds me blue in blackened silk elemental sleep stolen by deadest dark needing rest, comfort, kindness's milk sifted tears & sobs do leave their mark
still cold black quiet feels so solitary stark
no escape hatch though I crave release as wants pull me unto vapoured arms no succour here I will feel no peace only bitter pills and swallowed harms
crested light brings harsher days tattered remnants of coppered dreams reminds me its the psyche that pays as fragile silk tears joy at its seams
harsh bright bitter light of winters mourn
dawns bring the bitten blinded sighs a glassed in cage for wing clipped birds oblivion obscura in the masses eyes ears deadened to my silence unheard
oceans full of childs supple soft bones his hunters blade glistens the breaks the wind whispers tortured moans the sliced knife tip just takes and takes
endless deep black water the sea swallows me down
Its serene to the point of painful, pretty this forest where sprites could be at play no lighter folly for this game is too gritty secret lair to lead his new lambs to slay
as these vignettes proxy via my dreams projector unspools reels sickly unsweet his breath putrefies unpeals my screams his scent petrifies my heart shale & sleet
hurt broken hollow husk brittle a once fierce heart lays flayed.