the resistant does clatter its ends against the machinery, it does so clunk and rattle against the current which runs through to the chosen one, the Brother of Entropy, his unwavering foot-heel in the doorway between Insanity, and Stability.
He does, however, take some time away from his breathing, amounting to a few moment’s silence.
In this cold night, he holds no name or title. Not yet. The world is not ready for his being, and his being remains underdeveloped enough that its energy is just shy of a sunlight’s beam
and so he sings to the empty halls, the resistant current, the rusted gears, “Where do the old souls go? Here? There? Or inbetween? Do we matter to matter? Are we warm and foreboding enough to bear resistance to the dark?”
The dark dances between candlelight. Brother, father, creator: it means nothing to that which cannot see goodness, or light.
And so he breathes again, and shoves his boot further through the door