i hate you this feeling of grudge just make me feel uncomfortable why for three long years, why are you still here stuck in my head? everytime we're in the same space why do i have to hold everything my palms felt sweaty every mistake i make in front on you makes me feel extremely bad i get all sweaty everywhere why are you still part of my mechanism? i just want to move on from this feeling that feeling when i still long for you whenever im alone thinking of us being together i don't want those delusions anymore im tired. im tired of convincing myself that we can't be we're impossible to be together im tired of making myself digest that I i'm not your perfect pair i'm not at your standards and telling myself it's ok you'll find someone better but when? as time goes by it kept me suffering as our space get smaller it gets suffocating coz if you get closer, i would lose my impulse i wouldn't want to break you yes, i like you but no, you don't like me too.