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Apr 2019
Some Youth Are SO RUDE ... !!!
Their Language Is ... Crude ... !!!
and Most Have A PROBLEM ...

The Problem Is ... YOU ...  !!!

If You Are Like Me ...
and Won't Take Abuse ...
From Kids Who Walk Streets ...
With A ... BAD Attitude ... !!!

My Name AIN'T ... " B.A." ... !!!
and It AIN'T ... " Mr. T " ... !!!

But ...
Test Me With RUDENESS ...
and Then You Will See ...
That I Can Get ... BRUTAL ...
Just Like The ... " A Team " ... !!!!!

BRUTAL With ... "Tactics" ...
WITHOUT Prophylactics ... !!! ...

That's ... Just A Line ...
To Take Your Mind CAPTIVE ... !!!

My Words Are ... PROACTIVE ... !!!
To STOP All This MADNESS ... !!!

Young Kids Doing BADNESS ...
DEFINES The Word ... Sadness ... !!!

Sadness For MANY ...
When Mum's On The TELLY ...
With Tears In Her Eyes ...
cos' Her Child DIDN'T Die ... !!!

Her Child Was A ... " Victim " ...
of Kids On ... A Mission ...
To Rob and Then **** Him ... !!!!

And ...

Leave His Blood ... SPILLING ... !!!!!

That Story's ... Instilling ...
A GOOD Way of Living ... !!!

Young People ...

STOP KILLING ... !!!!!

and Learn To Be WILLING ...
To Do MORE ... FORGIVING ... !!!

and STOP ...
All This ... PILLING ... !!!

and STOP Taking Life ...
cos' Life Is For LIVING ... !!!!!

Rudeness ... IN VIEW ...
Can ..................................................... Isolate ................... "You" ........................................ !!!

Cos' Very Few People ...
Like Youth Who Are RUDE ... !!!

These Words Are The TRUTH ... !!!

cos' Being ... "ALONE" ...
With ... NOWHERE To Move ... !!!

Is Bound To Get You ...

So ...
What Is The Point ... ?!?
and ... What Do You PROVE ... !?!

Forgive Me ... I SEE ...
Walking In ...
DEAD MENS' Shoes ... !!?!!

Just Watch An OLD Western ...
and See How They Do ...

There's ALWAYS A Gunman ...
FASTER Than ... YOU ... !!!!!

There's ALWAYS ... Somebody ...
Who's ... RUDER Than You ... !!!!!!!!

So .....
What Will You Do ... ?!?
When YOU Are ... "The Victim" ... !!!

........... Facing A Crew ............

Who NOW Are The Ones' ...
Pointing Fingers At YOU ... !!!!!!

That's One FINAL Thought ...  
On Which You Should ... CHEW ...

REMEMBER My Comment ...
About ... DEAD MENS' Shoes ... !!!!!

A Life of GOOD VIBES ...
IS The Way To LIVE LIFE ... !!!!!!

These Words Hold The ... " Clues " ...
To AVOID ............................ Dead Mens' Shoes ... !!!

THUS ...
THIS Is My View ...

Shoes Are For WALKING ... !!!
So That's What I DO ...
Try Doing It ... TOO ... !!! ...

Try Showing Some LOVE ...
To Those Who LOVE YOU ...

and REMEMBER These Words ...

There's ...
NO NEED To Be ....

...... " Rude " ......
Certain themes sadly, keep repeating themselves, or in the case of youth behaviour, worsen !
So, a few cautionary words on, not letting this trait worsen in the generations to come ...........
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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