Defenses broken, my heart is beating fast Cast off these shackles and let’s die with dignity Situations suggest necromancy and magic I call your bluff and you fade into a panic Saddled with guilt you ride to the edge of a forest A leaf falls softly and you hear it's message calling you Breathe and all will follow Your time will surely come For it's written on the arrow Cartilage tears and our joints are weakened Bones are ground to dust before she awakens Hatred is heresy so you juggle our legacy We undress ourselves by the stream And drink our fill of clean water Along the road we become like monsters Sons to our mothers and daughters to our fathers Let’s pretend we are not lost And follow the sun all the way through the desert We are the actors and we are the audience Birds sing all of our choruses We need have no fear as we are safe here There is a shadow above us The clouds protect us and give us shelter We are held in the embrace of love Grief is strong along the roads of the nomads We danced and fought to the best of our ability But we are now older and more tired than before We must make way for our children To lead us towards the faithful fire of tomorrow I conspire to write visions of virtuous rainbows And take these prisoners home to their gardens and lovers