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nick armbrister
Apr 2019
Manchester Bomber Wreck
Is this actually possible? Considering so few pf the planes were built... i dunno...
Manchester Bomber Wreck
Manchester bomber rotting away
Different than it was before
Holes in the surface skin
Many pieces missing
Broken in two
Separated by many feet
Engines fallen free
Skeletons of the crew inside
Unknown war grave except to them
Who haunt their lost bomber
Lying under the sea bed
To them they’re still flying
In the sky above enemy territory
Fighting for their lives
With a faulty engine
Not actually on fire
Then the flak hit them
Damaging the tail unit
Followed by an enemy fighter
Who shoots them full of holes
And kills the Flight Engineer
Hitting him with a 20mm cannon shell
But not before the gunners
Down the **** night fighter
The crippled bomber flies on
Slowly losing height
They’ll never reach the target
Nor return home to England
So drop their bombs on a small town
Unknowingly killing dozens
Four tons of bombs will do that
The Manchester bomber wasn’t fired on again
Losing height was the enemy
They decided what to do and drew lots
Bail out or ditch in the sea?
They decided to ditch
It was almost dawn
And the horizon lit up
They should of made it
But the faulty engine finally died
The bomber stalled and dug a wing in
It cartwheeled over the sea
Broke in two and sank
All aboard were knocked out
And taken to a watery grave
Unknown to the world except themselves
The only remaining Manchester bomber
Is this actually possible? Considering so few pf the planes were built... i dunno...
Written by
nick armbrister
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