She doesn’t care if your heart is broken Shee doesn’t care if it feels like every bone in your body breaks With every move you make
She doesn’t know you’re gone
While all I do is notice
She will not cry about you being gone
But all you can do is choke back the tears Shaking some sense into yourself In hopes you won’t you won’t fall apart in the night
Why do I always make the same mistakes?
Trusting people who will hurt me in the same way Over and over again They've cause my heart so much pain A pain you carry with you
Throughout everyday
It stalks you like a demon
Demanding to be heard No, Declaring it will be heard So you take a deep breath and look up into the sky, slowly closing your eyes trying to build your walls
In an attempt to shut everything out So you can focus on not missing
The people who didn't break you The people who are still there
But in your Castle The only things that can find you Are the demons