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Feb 2013
I don't miss you at all
I don't miss your laugh
How it rumbles out of you like the sound of thunder  in the distance
I don't miss your eyes
Dark like the sky just before  rain comes pouring down.
I don't miss  your smile
So similar to a break in the clouds when the sun shines.
I don't miss our conversions
The long hours spent telling each other
Every detail and spilling our hearts into each other.
I don't miss how you always made me happy
Just like a child getting the gift they wanted for months on Christmas morning.
I don't miss how my heart fluttered when I talked to you,
Just as rapid as hummingbirds wings.
I certainly don't miss your favorite songs
That eventually became my favorite songs.
I don't miss you at all
Yet I know if you said one word to me
I would fall apart and finally realize
That I do miss you.
I miss your smile, your laugh, your eyes, and every single little detail about you.
With every single fiber of my being , I truly miss you but
I would never admit it.
Angelique Paolucci
Written by
Angelique Paolucci  27/F
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