my head hurts . it always hurts . something always hurts . whether it’s my head or my heart something is always in pain . torturous pain.. the type of pain that’ll make you scream , scream until your throat is bleeding . scream until you can’t scream no more . scream until your scream is tired of you .
that’s what I think I need to do . I need to scream and get out all of my anger . I need to let go . but I can’t . I can’t let my dam crack open . duct tape won’t keep that flood at bay . all of my control would have bolted for the door . and why? why because my anger would like nothing more than to swallow me whole . to drown me in nothing but sorrow and an intense feeling of hate . seasoned and conditioned just right , my anger would have me hating everyone . even more so than I hate myself . and I do hate myself . I hate the person I used to be and I hate the person I’m becoming . I can’t lie to myself anymore , I really don’t know who I am outside of my madness . outside of each one of my issues lies a baby girl who used to pure . untainted and not molded yet , a perfect example of how anything can happen to anyone . doesn’t matter who you are .
Anger has a way into shaping you into the person it wants you to be..