Why have I been driving myself to the edge Like serious this is no place for anyone Yet here I am a step from being over And I don’t know if I can take that step back
The edge just seems to be calling me Wanting me to take that step over and fall For how long, I do not know But the fall seems to be the thing pushing me back
So I have this two feelings Embrace the edge or let the fall push me away So because of this feelings I’m just standing there Unsure on what to do with my life
I really could just end it and jump And embrace the fall for what it is The images of my life flashing before my eyes But I’m afraid of what’s at the end of the fall
I could also take that step away And leave this edge behind Really just continue my life and forget this But I’m pretty such I will be back to this edge
Not knowing what to do I sit down With my legs over the edge swinging back and forth Waiting for my mind to decide on what to do And I’m still waiting to this day on what to do
This is a poem about how I felt with depression and suicide thoughts. They have decreased a lot since I wrote this.