What's disheartening about THIS stanza is the one that immediately follows it, which, as the site renders it, will appear above it in the listing...
O let me not forget Thy mercies! Pale Morn fraught with e'il, yet with such kindness thence As we've toast, soft-boiled eggs and porridge hence, With ah, such poor man's tea as shall avail Aught who 'non cherish morning's cuppa--hale To specs yet light as many like fr'intents-- The Scriptures answer 'til that coffee's sense Culls listning to the radio--sparrows hail! Watch steamy tendrils waft up in a tour Of "coffee break," and try to be anew Half meek, Thou givst my time wi' Dad as twere Such kindness 'til we part, and lo, just who Call from the kitchen window? Sparrows! We're So fragile, yet Thou givst us to praise You.