the flickering of the camera captures your smile you hit send - upload complete. the illumination from the screen frames your features you've wiped away the facade you've created in the form of facebook memories and wall posts of positive mantra
such unnatural levels of light can drain your battery so face to face, we dial the sliders down but you disappear in the shadows, face down, thumb scrolls i waited to see your smile, how the real thing could compete with that perfectly composed image instead, i was met with the buzzing of a notification that killed the conversation between us.
the eyes are the windows to the soul but with the barrier of the glass on a screen it seems less an invitation and more of a breaking and entering i would love nothing more than to tell you that i like the thoughts that come from your mind to hear them out loud from your lips and to watch the natural glow that emits, no flash or filter needed.
my disdain is not for the social platforms designed to connect only for all of the things that we've left unsaid while we turn our backs, and hit share instead.