I am having difficulty sleeping. I have an upset tummy And there is some emotional turmoil in my head. I wish you all very nice dreams and Cuddles with your loved ones I want you to have something good That makes your life fuller.
I always feel so much. I am always feeling And I can't deal with it all at once. So I put up barriers in my mind To block those feelings off And let me deal with them later.
Those barriers used to be a lot sturdier But since some events in September of 2017 They have been very easy to break down. That is how I want it.
Mostly I am feeling grief. I grieve a lot of things I grieve every loss Every grievance That has ever left someone with less That has ever left someone with hurt
I have been told not to grieve so much For things that are not in my life. For things that are out of my control But I cannot stop feeling. I don't want to stop feeling And I grieve all these things because They leave me with less And they leave me with hurt.