You penetrate me Not in the way most people would think Like a dagger in my heart, you stab me through the chest Making it hard to breathe I find myself gasping for air around you Hoping you won’t notice what you have done to me My heart longs for you to remove it, to let me breathe But if I breathe that means I can speak If I can speak then what will I say? Say that I love you and know that you won’t say the same But what if you do? What does it mean? So look, we aren’t official But you are officially the one I want I’m done talking and looking, done with the others So I know we’re taking it slow Like a turtle or a snail But sometimes I want to go faster like a dog chasing it’s tail And just like that my mind runs in circles Getting dizzy from the thinking and wishing Getting tired of the wanting and longing When in my heart I know what I want And what I want is you For you to just hold me and call me yours To feel all of your love as it is wrapped up in mine We can hold each other like a blanket, stay warm and comfortable forever You will keep me safe And babe I can promise I won’t ever let you get cold