When again in Joyous MAE where Weeping willows bow and sway and Martin swoops from hollowed eave to where Victoria bids us leave down railway track by home bound Duck and motion sickness makes us Chuck smelling salts from moonlight blossoms as Marian asks what's a possum Hilda and Tim try to explain as Bala steps onto this train he greets with smiles sweet Linda there as Edward offers him a chair Thoughts Forgotten as we chill my Dry Sapphire Gin I knock and spill cussing Profanity too loud I shock so many of this crowd Sammi Sweetie red of face covers the ears of Madison Grace Jerelii turns to poor Prabhu and asks him soft what can we do Frederick hands to her a tissue and Vijay says good luck I wish you Rena Em and poor old Quentin have not returned when they were sent in offering advice and gentle aide and Lee and Jimmy knelt and prayed Harlow ran and Blackmire followed both too afraid their courage swallowed Floaters pointed to Anon C and said aloud you come with me Something we knew was ours has gone but look his Sisters just got on So Daytonight spoke I'll cuff his ears to stop him swearing now my dears Embers knew shed blow her top so quickly Rose and said ... My stop
If I missed anyone I'll do another another night as 4 am and tired no offence meant or character traits implied was just having a train ride with some friends