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Feb 2019
Dear Mrs Paradox where is your ladle
come rain at the parade we need a mixing deck
bring your frustrated angst and your miseries too
come project your fears, insecurities and inadequacies
we can't cure your neurosis but escapism is the outlet or you

Dear Mrs Paradox come out with your toxic mind
don't hide in the shadows for you're already a vain shadow
are your Para doxing or your Doxing paraing on Valentines day
come do some twirling and lets roll in circles like a big wheel dipper
or perhaps go to Italy and work for the Mafia where vendettas reign
This was written on the Moon by our friend Armstrong because from the moon the white clouds hid everything good about the earth and he thought its a paradox that white can be so destructive everywhere. He was also thinking about how peaceful earth looked despite the crimes and evils of mankind.
Written by
Yenson  M/London
     Clare Coffey and Khoisan
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