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Feb 2019
I'm so used to being left behind
I've never had a relationship that lasted a long time
I've always been thrown away back into the endless sea of people
Wondering who they're going to end up with
And I've found you
You're my happy ending
But forgive me for being skeptical about you loving me
It's hard to give you all of me
All of my trust
When it's just been broken and taken advantage of
And I know you're different
You won't ever hurt me
But there's still that fear buried deep inside me
I was never one to take risks
But maybe I should start
If I never learn how to fly
I'll never be with the one I love
So I'm spreading my wings
And taking that jump off the edge
I'll do anything to be with you
And I want to make this work
So today I'm learning to fly
And I will forget the past pain and hurt
Written by
lovelywildflower  17/F/Somewhere Beautiful
(17/F/Somewhere Beautiful)   
     - - -, Perry, Makayla Jane, ---, Lye and 2 others
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