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Jan 2013

when it comes to **** - i agree for this was something that she did not foresee
she wanted to have a normal life, fall in love and become a wife.
to have children if and when she decided, and not be afraid or to hide it.
she had been ***** - body , mind , and soul
and she feels she no longer has control.
now this is what a ****** has in mind, and wants to be in control all the time.

yet now ! you do have a choice which will be the first of many
keep this child or abort, and foget everything that you may have been taught.
if GOD had this **** planned for you ( which i don't believe)
then he's also given you the choice as what to do
he has given us all free will, and with a decision like this
you can't stand still.

some will say it's because the clothes you wore- or things you said
but with a ****** - you did not want to bed.
( e.g. )right now this child is like a drop of spit which you spit out
because of the bad taste it gives. "do you want this child to live?"
the taste may stay in your mouth the rest of your days
is this the way this child will be raised?

yet the choice is up to you - no one knows what you've gone thru.
if they had punishments to fit the crimes, then the ******
would get it from behind.
they would know what they put you through because they'll be
going thru it too, and if they was to **** with intent
their life in jail would be spent.
if they have no regard for human life
then they should pay the ultimate price.
louis rams
Written by
louis rams  florida
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