I am bad at flirting…like…really bad and I **** at being subtle. Your blog is quality and so is mine (on good days, anyways). I may not be that pretty, but I am a good person. I won’t ******* over. And I will make you tea at 2 a.m. and not judge your tastes in music (out loud). We can watch Spirited Away or Howl’s Moving Castle or Nausica and tumble and have *** and wear **** shades. I will make you breakfast and vegetarian dishes on Meatless Monday. We can read Bukowski on swing sets, smoke cigarettes, and drink whiskey, stumble behind bushes and kiss until my lips hurt. We can have coffee in some place in Asheville and sit really close together and make fun of black-keys hipsters (even though I really like the Black Keys). You will probably have to listen to lots of Hole and Rising Appalachia and read my poetry, but I will always read your work when you hand it to me. And probably buy you nice things. Like a flask with some quote you like on it. Or your favorite pack of cigs with something cute like, ‘let’s have *** in that bathroom’ written on it. Or a nice sweater because…sweaters are nice and my blow jobs are of legend. I may not know you that well, but I’d like to. And I think you would like to get to know me because I’m pretty rad. And I look nice in green and dark navy blue, and my hair looks pretty in the sunlight. I’m saying all this because I’m lonely and people with good tastes in music are rare.