Everything’s crashing down on me, Breaking Sometimes softly but I can still feel it, I breathe it in and out Everyday, While I’m still not understanding What am I supposed to do with it, I don’t feel like coping, I don’t feel like writing And I don’t want to tell.
Everything’s spinning around in circles in my head And it’s a dark place where the light still exists anyway, They say I see in black and white, Without reason for the black while I don’t get why there’s any light, Because it only sends me into darkness.
Am I supposed to make this Beautiful? I feel like I need a rest, I feel like I want to hide from everything that could evoke a potential thought. Maybe they are winning, I don’t feel like I am.
Wasting, running out of people to leave me, I don’t want anymore. And even those I love make me selfishly feel sad, All because I know I should be happy for them, What if they become as messed up as me one day? I think my soul will fade away.