Divinity is all around us, yet no deity is to blame.
A world of wisdom is there to be explored both in the outside World and the universe Inside if only we allow ourselves to break our fixations and to overcome our own shortcomings and forgive those of others.
Empathy. A word created by it's absence. Compassion. A word fortified with guilt. Enlightenment. A word used as a carrot on a spiritual stick. Virtue. A subjective and metaphysical code of honor. Love.
Words are but tools. Signs upon the path. They weave into an intricate map of reality. A subjective map. A distorted map. The map is not the territory. One must acquaint one's self to the territory before the map can be put into it's proper context.
Words are funny tools.
Used for every purpose.
By both good and evil. Truth and lies. Profit and charity. Prophet and atheist.
They are limited. They are imperfect. Such is our Communication, Such is our Perception, and thus Such is our reality.