no one knows Of the demons that plague your mind Taking a strong grasp over you every day Stripping you of your happiness and using it to simply grow stronger.
No one knows that you hide behind a smile, a normalized sense of humor that just screams “Everything is OK, I’m OK”.
No One knows that you’ve lost who you are and the search to find him is like searching for a fish in an ever-expanding ocean. You don’t want to be yourself, You want to be changed, someone else. You want to beat yourself, You want to be beaten, bruised, to prove for once you’re not weak, because that’s all the demons scream in your head. “You’re Not Good Enough”
No One Knows All you want is a way out, A way to escape this labyrinth, But the pain from searching for a way out only gets worse With each passing day. And as you search, the demons chase you down, You yell at them, “Just Let Me Be Happy”, and they say back: “but, you created us.”
NO ONE KNOWS, NO ONE ******* KNOWS. because they can’t.