A plan would be needed but that is the smaller picture the bigger one being indoctrination, blinded whispers of insanity, a conspiracy theorist remember though, it is a love for you I feel thinking you may be happy inside a machine but once you open your eyes it is not smiling what you thought was a smile is teeth ripping you apart and spitting you out it could be better be not blinded by the lies fed to you on a wooden platter you could hold the gold peace inside your heart and home if you but heard the voices shouting for you to join I know you cry tears at night we all do stuck inside these gears that grind our bones to dust until naught is left throwing scraps your way while the elite feast upon your soul no time for family, no time for laughter, no time to live or die please help us, please listen that we are suffering but we do not have to spread a smile a kind act, spread the truth it is right there before you just listen there is a veil you must lift to see but that is why we are here guiding you with our words and we will keep fighting even while your eyes are closed waiting for them to open stand up and join a movement one that unifies the helpless and turns them into the victors