That is what I am doing right now I feel brain dead My mind has turned into overcooked pasta I have no taste in my mouth My eyes are halfway open Fighting the intense need to pass out The coffee has worn off I am essentially sleep walking Except I’m not asleep And I’m not walking I am a zombie who is writing complete nonsense Its 5’o clock in the morning November 13, 2018 A Tuesday I am simply At this point Sleep writing Is this even about you? Well it's to you so there's that You're cute as a button Are you from Tennessee Cause you're the only 10 I see What are you ******* Adonis? It should be illegal to be that ******* beautiful **** I want to draw you Carve you from stone Build you out of clay But I can only write So, there's that
I'm tired as hell But you probably look cute as hell right now so last thing I ******* miss you dood Alright goodnight