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Jan 2019
You hide in trees like wisdom,
out of reach like play.
You move with nature's rhythm,
pliable as clay.
A rainbow sans the prism,
oh so far away.

A dream forever dancing,
pure as ****** dame.
All eyes at you though glancing,
cowards come the game.
For me a trip worth chancing,
freedom has no name.

Your laughter is the river,
my lifelong design.
Most yearn for just a sliver,
wholly you'll be mine.
A touch to make you quiver,
kiss flavoured divine.

Bliss pervades each step toward fate,
drifting destiny.
Please forgive if I show late,
beg your clemency.
Promise succour for your wait,
if eventually.
Written by
Kyle Nickerson Kustak  24/M/Massachusetts
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