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Dec 2018
Sun shine Bright
Like our Love Life
oh! baby i hold you so tight !
I can feel you baby
I know you alright

Sun shine Bright
Like our Love Life
Let it go, Let it go the bad times,
Oh baby Look at us you are mine

Sun shine Bright
like our Love life
If i lost ,I know you will find

So baby Sun shine Bright
like our love life

I know you alright
when you ask me to make a cup of tea with no sugar ...!right?
but i forget and made with sugar ..right;)
then you have it with smile so bright ..
oh! baby you know thats the way  I like ..

sun shine bright
like our love life...
sheetal  sharma
Written by
sheetal sharma  29/F/Noida India
(29/F/Noida India)   
     Shruti Dadhich and Fawn
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