This void inside me came in waves washing anything good there was of me before. Its persuasive current stealing my faith, its irresistible undertow robbing me of my talent, 'an ocean' if that swallowing all of my joy. In fact, this feeling can't even be compared to an ocean. If I were to do so I'd be compared to an ocean that's depth seems to reach into a different universe a different dimension. An ocean that's
Vaster than the Atlantic.
Ampler than the Indian.
More open than the Pacific.
Wider than the Arctic.
More colossal than the Southern.
'An ocean' if not that then it's just a cold, never ending, forever unknown, right here at the
Base of my spine.
Back of my head.
Bottom of my stomach.
Below my knees.
Behind my ribcage.
A cold, never ending, forever unknown lays inside me, and can only be filled by the feeling of filling that 'ocean'.
clearly i was being a dramatic lil ** when i wrote this but eh