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Dec 2018
Looking in eyes.
I read eyes. Get all sorts of answers looking in.
At times I see hurt in them.  It's in the black part. It screams almost at me.
Laser beams hurt. I'm in pain!  
Eyes say that.
Some eyes, so innocent,  beseech cry call screech nearly, I love you so much.  
I turn away.
It's a responsibilty.
I'm not worthy of so much feeling so much true love.
My whole life I've been used to actresses actors . The onstage I love you so they catch the bouquet.  Bow after the curtains close and they exit.  
Listen for the crowds call of encore as they dress in street clothes. Run out onto tenth avenue.
Eyes hurt. Its like they know me.
See into my core. All my vulnerabilities so aware like
The streetlights glare.  On the bus.
Strangers, yes
But their eyes
Like moonbeams
A  green glare insidious
Potent unrelenting
Knowing as I reach in my pocket
Fumbling for my token,
Trips me out off run
I do want to never look in an eye
Look at noses cheek
just over it
It catches me
My greed my
curiosity that peek
The black does the center of me of them the all knowing
I turn
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