Growing up my mother taught me How to drink until you don’t feel pain anymore She taught me how many calories were in an apple And that the only way men would love you Was if you were skinny And kept your mouth shut
My father taught me how to hold a grudge That’s too big for one person to carry He taught me that words mean nothing Promises will only leave you disappointed That they’re never going to show up if you’re waiting for them to
I grew up thinking pain and love were synonymous Sometimes I forget that they’re not There is no forever, Only for now
Someday love will grow tired of you And leave you for her boss Love will grow tired of waiting And marry the first person that shows up Because isn’t settling better than being alone?
When I was a child I believed love never died It didn’t take long for me to learn That love was never alive to begin with It’s an object used to fill the empty spaces inside of you So you might feel whole again If even just for a moment Until the magic wears off And you move onto the next one