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Jan 2013
I Am A Flower--Summer Serves Me Well,
Though I Love Winter It Holds Like A Spell,
The Snow Is A Place I Am Forbidden,
Though I Can't Resist Being Frostbitten,
The Frost Withers My Petals--Soft As Silk,
But It Is Okay, It Is Just The Bilk,
The Cold Chills My Stem And Gets To My Brain,
My Skin Turns Brittle And Old--It's Death's Stain,
The Other Plants Have Had Their Kiss From Death,
Though I Know I Am Close To My Last Breath,
I Try To Stand Tall And Reach The Pale Sun,
I Tried To Win A Battle Which Can't Be Won,
I Have Stood Winter's Blizzard--Ice And Snow,
Though I Get Buried The Longer I Go,
Hanging Onto The World I Do Not Need,
The Reason I Love It--There Are No Weeds,
I Know If I Let Go There Will Be Spring,
An Eternity From What Frost Brings
Sydney Victoria
Written by
Sydney Victoria  F/Minnesota
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