Today’s thanksgiving So I figured, Perfect day to give thanks To a few people, Mind you, This isn’t in order,
1) my little brother For lighting up my life Letting me Become a Candice Or Peppa pig Or any one of those Big Sisters I no longer carry envy for
2) The dad who Has given me a mix Of his Extreme childish- (He’s calling me now to make a turkey out of pistachio shells) Temperament Yet contrasting Acedemicly telented Stern demeanor While pushing my brother and I And having high experctations while giving Us the freedom To forge our own path
3) The mother Who is so enthusiastic Talkative, sharing with me The habit of Binging on chocolates Whose nagging Has propelled me To do things I would Have never Seen myself Do
4) The best friend Who’s probably currently On Assasin’s Creed Or some other video game Besides Fortnite Which she insists doesn’t have a Good story line Whose milder temperment Puts up With my overly excitable One And who strongly stands For what’s right Following her dream Of being a police Officer Despite condemning politics as Boring
5) The three friends Who stayed in touch After elementary school Who filled My days with pretending To be Elemental Mages Reenact the Hunger Games Warrior Cats Although no one ever listened When I was the medicine cat! Who gave me an outlet For my quirky Book loving Personality
6) The three friends At my current school Who, Despite splits Break ups And an occasional Difficulty finding Camaraderie Were the first Friends Of mine At this school And my anime pals And for my years of Middle school Kept me Sane
At this point I could probably start going off on The tmpermental grandma Who called my nose big And whom I was mildly averse (For good reason) Until I saw a photo Of her smile, Holding me as a baby
Or the pink heart shaped flowers That I’d look forward to Every spring Until our newly constructed sun room Destroyed them
And on And on And on
But nah, Those were some of my top ones Thanks for reading!