Oh no! Here she comes again. Mom please! I don't want to fight. Please stop yelling. I didn't take your food. I swear.
I'm not listening to this. I walk away. Mom! What are you doing? Why did you put my head through the wall.
I punch, I kick. I fight back. Why are you choking me? I bite her arm.
My aunt calls the police. Four officers break up the fight. Why am i being cuffed. Why isnt she going too? I didn't do anything wrong.
The detective questions me. I spend three days in county jail. The district attorney finally drops the charges. Now I have to go back to her.
Please Lord let me live. I promise to do good. I'll change I promise. Please don't let me die.
This actually did happen to me when I was 15 years old. My mother was/still is emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive to me. Though the physical abuse has mostly stopped since I am trained in the use of firearms, baton, pepper spray, jujitsu, and defense and arrest tactics.