Every evening I see the Brightest star shines by.. It waits for me to come and see Before it goes away.., The timing is set It always comes.. At the time of dusk And sun is about to descend And the moon is about to emerge In that twilight zone I see you on horizon..!!
And when the darkness sets in.. And the moonlight fills in.. And in multiple stars twinkling, It's there everyday.. I can see from my West facing window, It waits for me for few minutes, The moment we see each other, It says goodbye to me And fades away.. To come again next day! I know very well My son, We are playing this game, The time you left our home, I see you since then.. I know you come to greet A sweet Hello! To your mom.. Love you my son Love you my Shining Star..!!
Sparkle In Wisdom Nov 2018
My son s birthday falls today.. 19/11/2004... He would had been 14 today.