Now I am blessed by the fellowship of man. Poem # 031. Philip : 20/10/20
Now I am blessed by the fellowship of man. Of the pure unadulterated unconditional love We men and women that inhabit the earth
In the constant search for a secure foothold
And wishing to be all things to all men around Men and Women and genders betwixt the two
Being now away that we have a brotherhood Loved by a community of lifelong friends Earth Angels and guides which hold the skills Skills which are perfected and so peculiar Standing alone in their particular peculiarities Excellent and everlasting good friends of mine Diligently looking after their own fellowship.
Boys and girls coming out to play in the world Young and old rich and poor sick and healthy
Together in a loving unconditional relationship Having no blood ties save for holding the spirit Especially the wondrous God spirit of passion
From whatever theological following you hold. Every good turn you do unto others is returned Loving your neighbor as thyself is a starter. Loving your father and mother well deserved Or your brother or sister , cousin or kin. With blood relatives it’s seen as a given. So be it for the population of the World. Having established that relationship you’re OK In that there is nobody to hate anymore People outside the fellowship may gossip
Or continually sandbagged a reputation From now on let us develop this “Fellowship “
Making time to consider the other fellow. Accounting for a balanced life of compassion Now I am blessed by the fellowship of man.
The fellowship of man is the most important agenda they we should be following. Start with unconditional love and go from there.