Tough lesson from my Dear mama Also a letter to my unborn child Life is like a journey that you ride through You have to have Ambitionz as a Ridah
But sometimes, life could get really tough That you ask yourself questions like... Is the world against me? Or is it, me against the world?
It could "seem" like you're trapped Or out of moves Avoid isolation, it will cause you to shed so many tears And it allows temptations to gush in your mind If you seclude yourself, it could be tougher to resist the temptation
Some friends, you hit 'em up and they will turn their backs at you But some will be ready to offer any sort of help and ask you... How do you want it? That's the type you call unconditional love
At those daunting times, to prevent drowning You have to keep ya head up Because better days are approaching When everything changes for your good
Against all odds, stand strong Say your prayers and your Hail Mary Protect your life and in all that you do Ensure you do for love
Guard your dreams Always remind yourself No matter what, keep riding through your journey Life goes on...
All the bold words are titles of 2pac's songs... I grew up listening to him and his songs still make sense to me till date. How many of those songs have you heard?