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Oct 2018
I have raced back and forth in my mind replaying every moment i ever spent with you...

I have traced every memory from start to finish slowing the the times I would see your smile and fast forwarding the days we cried....

And every trace of memory I slip through my finger tips I hold tightly to feelings my heart felt with you...

The day you walked through the doors with a smile on your face and the sun lightened up every highlight in your hair...

From that moment I knew this girl was everything I wanted to know from thoughts that soaked and waited in the creases of her brain to the sound of her heart beat that pumps through her veins

Do you understand this feeling?
The feeling of vulnerability allowing your very being to be joined with mine allowing your very words to touch my soul and every rip of hurtful words that strikes me i create excuses to allow you in again

Can you feel that?
With every time that passes with out you I've forgotten everything I never wanted to from the way the song bubbly by colbie makes you smile and the way you've never sneezed past 6 consecutive times before
Or how you can't stand the taste of fried chicken

Stripped of strips of memories of moments I hold close to me and tied in to my life you have no clue....
The hurting it takes to no longer have what was once there and it isn't fair that the music we've listened to still plays every where I go so every time that they're on I'm reminded again of the times we've danced like idiots in the car or the times I screamed at the top of my ****** lungs

"can we go back to the day where love was strong"  

Cause at the times those words meant nothing but now they make more sense than ever before as I'm sitting watching days roll by getting closer to another day without you my kids no longer ask for you my daughter won't even ask to speak about you

And then there's me
I have waited seconds that turned to days and days that felt like seconds for those fingers to interlock with mines and I realize again

You don't deserve what I'm destined for anymore
Yet I love you
A woman I fully put my life into left me in 2016...we have three kids and she left them as well...
Candy coated raindrops
Written by
Candy coated raindrops  25/M
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